how to live a meaningful life (TLP repost)

It doesn’t matter whether or not people really deserve to be saved. It only matters what you believe. 

– wonder woman, paraphrased 

You take on faith that the world needs saving and furthermore decide that it’s your responsibility to save it, defying logic and sanity and evidence and everyone around you. You decide to give your life meaning, importance, even if it is the most insane, solitary, depressing meaning available; and at the great risk that you could be wrong, a life wasted.

It’s only when you take the great gamble to live your life, your entire life, to the possibility that people can be saved at the risk of being wrong, at the expense of an easier, happier life – that you define yourself as something greater. And once you decide to devote yourself, you will be able to take the next steps necessary to grow, evolve.

You know you have to fail, eventually, but you’re going to keep doing it anyway.

And because of this, you will succeed.

It’s the religious existentialist position.  Kierkegaard didn’t think logic and reason was going to get us to any absolute truth. You just have to go to faith, embrace it, create a life using it as a postulate, and move forward.

It’s narcissism done the right way. And it’s the secret to a meaningful life: picking an existence that is of value to more than just yourself, even if that existence defies the logic of reality – your biology, your history, your environment, and, of course, everyone else.  And once you have chosen who you want to be, once you have defined the parameters of this life, you force it to be true, as real as any gene or social factor. And know that once you have invested your life in this identity, this existence – all or nothing, even in the face of the doubt and terror that accompanies your “rational” self – it will be impossible to fail.


– The Last Psychiatrist, Desmonds Choice

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